
PeopleForBikes Launches First-of-its-Kind Comprehensive Data Driven City Ratings

May 9, 2018

System guides strategic investment for quickly building interconnected bike infrastructure

After more than two years in development and 184 calculations per city, PeopleForBikes has unveiled the nation’s first comprehensive analytics and data-driven city ratings system for bikes.

“PlacesForBikes City Ratings are much more than just a ratings system—they’re a helpful tool for cities, “ said Jennifer Boldry, PeopleForBikes Director of Research. “What gets measured gets done. We can use the data to benchmark where cities stand today, set goals, and identify where significant improvements can be made quickly.”

The PeopleForBikes team built their methodology from the ground up using existing data sources and developing new ones. Cities are scored across five key areas:  Ridership (how many people bike and how often?), Safety (how safe is it?), Network (how extensive is the network?), Acceleration (how fast are they expanding the network?) and Reach (does the network serve all neighborhoods in the community?). This is the first time any bike ratings system for cities has offered a data-driven look at all five of these categories across a community.

Cities will be able to use PlacesForBikes City Ratings as a clear road map for smarter, faster bike infrastructure investments.

“PeopleForBikes’ goal is to create communities where people of all ages and bicycling abilities can ride safely and easily all across town,” said Tim Blumenthal, PeopleForBikes President. “Our City Ratings will help cities make quick, cost-effective progress towards that vision.”

City Ratings is a key component of PlacesForBikes—a four-part program supported by a generous grant from Trek Bicycle Corporation as well as contributions from other bike businesses, foundations and individuals.

“This City Ratings system is the key to the future of bike riding in America,” said John Burke, CEO of Trek Bicycle. “It will get more people riding bikes and it will create healthy communities and a stronger bike industry.”

For the full results and more details about the program, please visit CityRatings.PeopleForBikes.org
